Monday, 3 February 2014

Digitools Motion Tween

I do not like motion tweens I do not like motion tweens I do not like motion tweens they look so awkward and unnatural and ahhhh here have a thing for digitools where I had to incorporate a motion tween..................

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Layout Texture Assignment

So I haven't been posted anything on here in a pretty long while... I promise I've been working, just the results have been less than appealing to me as of late... I'm not particularly happy with how this assignment turned out either, but oh well ahahahh... I'll try to get some more things up soon too.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Petit Prince Background

Just a simple background I had to make on Flash for digitools... it's Asteroid B-612 from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's classic, Le Petit Prince. It was only a matter of time before I did something LPP-themed, what with there being a LPP shrine in my shared bedroom thanks to my roomie.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Digital Tools Final: Demo Reel

Here's my demo reel, in other words, a poorly put-together video compilation of some of the better work I did in first semester that you've already seen! :D (plus one other thing that I never posted ahahha)

Layout Sidescroll

Animation Final: Ball and Tail

I unfortunately never got around to filling out the main character's tail, so it's still just a line ahahaha. Basically, for this assignment, we had to make two ball characters (with either a tail or ears) interact, and give them personality despite their very limited design. Oh mannn, this thing was a monster and so heavy to carry the giant stack of paper around. But I really enjoyed creating it! There was lots of late-night sneaking around the labs to finish this on time ehhee

Edit: The video isn't loading for some reason, so I've posted it on Youtube. Just click the below link to view it c:

Ball and Tail Animation!!

Painting Final: Still Life

Eeeehhh, I really need to work on glass and drapery hhhhh